10DLC Compliance: Essential Rules and Best Practices
10DLC compliance helps businesses improve the messaging ecosystem, increase deliverability, reduce spam, and enhance security.

I was recently updating my Zoho Voice plan, and was alerted that I needed to complete and register to be 10DLC compliant. It is something I knew nothing about.
So what is the 10DLC? The "10DLC compliance" refers to adhering to the regulations set by mobile carriers for sending text messages using a standard 10-digit long code (a regular phone number) for business purposes, requiring businesses to register their brand and campaigns with The Campaign Registry (TCR) to ensure their messages are delivered effectively and legally, while combating spam and abuse of A2P (application-to-person) messaging.
Key points about 10DLC compliance:
What it stands for: "10-Digit Long Code"
Why it's important: To prevent spam and ensure legitimate business messages reach customers reliably
What's required: Registering your business and campaigns with the TCR, following opt-in/opt-out rules, and maintaining transparent communication practices
Who needs to comply: Any business sending text messages using a standard 10-digit phone number
Please connect with your service provider for additional details.
I hope this helps.
Apples & Oranges Public Relations LLC